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5 ancient anti-ageing Chinese beauty hacks
source:Times of India 2024-01-25 [Health]
Ancient Chinese beauty practices, rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), offer a holisticand time-tested approach to achieving radiant skin. From jade rollers and Gua Sha tools to greentea, pearl powder, and lotus seeds, these age-old secrets continue to inspire modern skincareroutines,emphasizing the importance of internal balance and external beauty.

Ancient Chinese beauty practices have long been revered for their holistic approach toskincare, aiming to enhance not just external appearance but also internal well-being.These age-old beauty hacks have stood the test of time, offering timeless wisdom forachieving radiant skin. Let's delve into five ancient Chinese beauty secrets that continueto inspire modern skincare routines.
Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)
At the heart of ancient Chinese beauty practices lies Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), aholistic healing system that dates back thousands of years.

TCM views beauty as a reflection of internal balance, emphasizing the importance ofharmonizing the body's vital energy, or Qi. Herbal remedies, acupuncture, and dietaryadjustments prescribed in TCM are believed to promote clear, glowing skin by addressing internal imbalances.


Jade Rollers and Gua Sha
Jade rollers and Gua Sha tools have been cherished in Chinese skincare for centuries.Jade, a symbol of purity and tranquility, is believed to have healing properties whenapplied to the skin. Jade rollers, used in gentle upward strokes, promote lymphaticdrainage, reduce puffiness, and enhance blood circulation. Gua Sha, a technique involvingscraping the skin with a smooth-edged tool, is thought to release tension, promotedetoxification,and sculpt facial contours.
Green Tea Elixirs
Chinese culture has celebrated the health benefits of green tea for centuries, and itsskincare benefits are equally profound. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, particularlycatechins, known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. Ancient Chinesebeauty enthusiasts often incorporated green tea extracts into facial masks, promoting ayouthful complexion and protecting the skin from environmental damage.

Pear Powder Skincare
Pearl powder, derived from finely milled pearls, has been a coveted ingredient intraditional Chinese beauty routines. Empresses and noblewomen in ancient China usedpearl powder to achieve a luminous complexion. This marine gem is believed to lightenskin tone, reduce the appearance of fine lines, and promote skin regeneration. Today,pearl powder is a key ingredient in various modern skincare formulations.
Lotus Seed Skincare
The lotus flower, a symbol of purity and enlightenment in Chinese culture, extends itsbeauty benefits to skincare. Lotus seeds, revered for their anti-aging properties, werehistorically incorporated into facial masks and creams. Rich in vitamins and amino acids.lotus seed extracts aim to hydrate the skin, enhance elasticity, and impart a naturalradiance.


Ancient Chinese beauty hacks offer a holistic and time-tested approach to achievingradiant and healthy skin. Rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, these practices recognizethe interconnectedness of internal balance and external beauty. From the use of jaderollers and Gua Sha tools to the incorporation of green tea, pearl powder, and lotus seedsthese age-old secrets continue to inspire modern skincare routines, reminding us thattrue beauty comes from a harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit.